Exploring the Impact of Industry 4.0 on Logistics Management: Achieving Sustainable Competitiveness in the Contemporary Business Landscape
Organizational Culture, Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Innovation, Competitive Advantage.Abstract
The purpose of this study is to determine the fundamental factors that contribute to PT. X's competitive advantage. Utilizing Multi-ple Linear Regression Analysis, the data collected from 135 indi-viduals who participated in the survey at PT. X revealed significant conclusions. According to the findings of the study, the culture of an organization demonstrated a positive and considerable influence on the competitive advantage of the organization. Knowledge Shar-ing, on the other hand, was shown to be an essential contributor, demonstrating a positive and significant influence on Competitive Advantage at PT. X. Furthermore, the research revealed that Or-ganizational Innovation is still another crucial component, demon-strating that it has a positive and significant impact on Competitive Advantage. It is important to note that when taken into account as a whole, the three factors of Organizational Culture, Knowledge Sharing, and Organizational Innovation all showed a positive and significant impact on Competitive Advantage at PT. X. PT. X's competitive advantage can be improved through the synergistic in-fluence of culture, information exchange, and innovation, as high-lighted by these studies, which shed light on the subtle interplay of organizational factors.
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