The Rise of Digital Influencer on Instagram to Impact the Brand Engagement and Purchase Decision


  • Meta Andriani
  • Deasy Ariyani Management Study Program, Indonesia Banking School, Jakarta, Indonesia



Digital marketing, brand engagement in self-concept, brand expected value, ntention to purchase recommended brand


This research aims to test the effect of brand recommendations by digital influencers on purchase intentions in terms of brand engagement and brand expected value. The sample selected in this study had two characteristics: having an Instagram account and following on Instagram. The sample in this research consisted of 85 respondents and the analysis technique used in this research was the SmartPLS 4 application and the type of data collection research in this research was quantitative. The results of this research show that Perceived Influencer, Brand Engagement on Self-concept Brand Expected Value have a positive or significant influence on Intention to Purchase Recommended Brand. To increase the value of a product, the managerial implication that can be applied is that the company collaborates with digital influencers.


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