User Experience, Ease of Transactions, and Consumers Trust Towards Decisions Use of the Fund Application (Study of Dana Application Users in Central Jakarta)


  • Imelda Aprileny Leny STIE Indonesia Jakarta
  • Afdhal Alifian STIE Indonesia Jakarta
  • Jayanti Apri Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Persada Indonesia, Salemba Jakarta, Indoensia



User Experience, Ease of Transactions, Consumer Trust


This study aims to find out how much user experience, ease of transactions and consumer trust influence on use decisions. This is a quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The population of this study is all Dana application users in Central Jakarta. The sample of this study is a random sample, where samples are taken from randomly with 50 respondents with criteria of residing in the Central Jakarta area and having used the Dana application for more than 3 months. The results of the study showed that the following variables: (1) User Experience had a positive effect on User Decision. (2) Ease of Transaction has a positive effect on the User's Decision. (3) Consumer trust has a positive effect on User Decisions. (4) User Experience, ease of transaction and consumer trust have a combined effect on the User's Decision.


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