Profitability, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, and Corporate Value of Non-Cyclicals Listed in Indonesia


  • Clifeld Jeremias Joram Unsulangi Indonesia Banking School
  • Lediana Sufina Indonesia Banking School



Return on assets, Corporate social responsibility, Firm value


Firm value is a notable indicator for stakeholders in the capital market. The graph or movement of the value is triggered by many causes that thereof pictures a firm’s capability of success. This research observes how profitability, an insightful measurement of a firm’s profit, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure, an important measurement of the currently rising environmental issues, influence the value of the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2017-2021 listed consumer non-cyclical firms. Return on Assets (ROA), CSR index, and Tobin’s Q are, respectively, the calculations to that of profitability, CSR, and a firm’s value. The result laid out ahead of this research shows of an absolute consideration to valuing non-cyclical firms’ value with their profitability. Firms are then encouraged to increase its profitability as a mean to increase its value. On the contrary, CSR, based on the SEOJK No. 16/SEOJK.04/2021, is seemingly attested to be insignificant of firms’ value and in addition indicates a regulation inadequately implemented. The authority as well as firms hope to evaluate and implement it accordingly.



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