E-Service Quality, E-Satisfaction, E-Loyalty, Mobile Banking, Livin' by MandiriAbstract
This study aims to examine the effect of e-service quality on e-loyalty of customers who use mobile banking "Livin' by Mandiri' ' with e-satisfaction as an intervening variable. The independent variables in this study are the dimensions of e-service quality that have been elevated to variables namely reliability, privacy & security, user interface design, customer service & support, convenience, and responsiveness. While the dependent variable in this study is e-loyalty. Hypothesis testing in this study uses the PLS or Partial Least Square method with SmartPLS 4.0 software. The data collection technique uses the Google Form application questionnaire to collect respondent information. The sample in this research are customers who use mobile banking "Livin by Mandiri '', totaling 100 customers in the Jabodetabek area. The results of the analysis show that the variables customer service & support, convenience, and responsiveness have a positive and significant effect on e-satisfaction and e-satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on e-loyalty. Then e-satisfaction has a positive and significant influence in mediating the relationship between customer service & support, convenience, and responsiveness to e-loyalty.
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