
  • Heidy Triza Aina STIE Indonesia Banking School
  • Dikdik Saleh Sadikin STIE Indonesia Banking School



Sustainability report, Corporate financial performance


This study aims to determine the effect of sustainability reports on corporate financial performance. The dependent variable of this study is sustainability report which is measured according to the SE OJK No. 16 Year 2021 requirements of sustainability reporting. Meanwhile, the independent variable of this study is corporate financial performance which is proxied by Price Earnings Ratio (PER). This study was conducted on conventional banks which are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2016-2019. This study uses multiple regression analysis for hypothesis testing. Using the purposive sampling method, there are 31 samples with 124 observations before being deducted by outliers.
The results of this study found that the economic dimension of sustainability reports does not affect corporate financial performance. This study also found that the environmental dimension of sustainability reports has a significant negative effect on corporate financial performance. Meanwhile, the social dimension of sustainability reports has a positive significant effect on corporate financial performance. Future studies may consider using other corporate financial performance proxies and also other scoring methods to obtain more accurate results.


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